Limp binding

From Multilingual Bookbinding Dictionary
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A book which does not have stiff boards but instead has flexible cloth, leather, vellum, or paper sides, which may or may not be lined.


A full cover without boards can be described as limp. According to the cover material used, the cover will therefore be more or less flexible. Bindings with covers over thin, flexible boards or cover linings are sometimes referred to as semi-limp, a term which is often confused with limp and probably for that reason better avoided. The term 'limp' should therefore be used in conjunction with the appropriate term for the type of cover (i.e. limp laced-case, etc.).



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Language code"Language code" is a predefined property that represents a BCP47 formatted language code and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.Translated termSourceCitation textThis property is a special property in this wiki.StatusSkos:scopeNote
daBøjeligCitation needed!
debiegsamer Einband1CloonanCloonan, Michèle Valerie. Early Bindings in Paper: A Brief History of European Hand-Made Paper-Covered Books with a Multilingual Glossary. London: Mansell, 1991.preferred
deflexibler Einband1CloonanCloonan, Michèle Valerie. Early Bindings in Paper: A Brief History of European Hand-Made Paper-Covered Books with a Multilingual Glossary. London: Mansell, 1991.preferred
enLimp bindingCitation needed!
enlimp covers2Ligatus"The Language of Bindings Thesaurus is made available under the [Open Data Commons Attribution License:] ."alternate
esFlexibleCitation needed!
frreliure souple3DizionarioFederico Macchi, Livio Macchi, Milena Alessi, Michel Wittock, and Piccarda Quilici. Dizionario Illustrato Della Legatura. Milano: S. Bonnard, 2002. Print.preferred
itlegatura molle3DizionarioFederico Macchi, Livio Macchi, Milena Alessi, Michel Wittock, and Piccarda Quilici. Dizionario Illustrato Della Legatura. Milano: S. Bonnard, 2002. Print.preferred
itlegatura floscio3DizionarioFederico Macchi, Livio Macchi, Milena Alessi, Michel Wittock, and Piccarda Quilici. Dizionario Illustrato Della Legatura. Milano: S. Bonnard, 2002. Print.preferred
nlBuigzaamCitation needed!
nlsoepelCitation needed!
svBöjligCitation needed!
svmjukCitation needed!



  1. a b  Cloonan, Michèle Valerie. Early Bindings in Paper: A Brief History of European Hand-Made Paper-Covered Books with a Multilingual Glossary. London: Mansell, 1991.
  2. ^  |  The Language of Bindings Thesaurus is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:
  3. a b c  Federico Macchi, Livio Macchi, Milena Alessi, Michel Wittock, and Piccarda Quilici. Dizionario Illustrato Della Legatura. Milano: S. Bonnard, 2002. Print.