I hope this makes some writers feel Very Seen
Tag: conservation

Things they don’t tell you in book conservation grad school: one day your job will be to make a housing for a large papier-mâché chicken puppet.
Tape of low moral fiber

If you ever need some scotch tape or masking tape in my conservation lab, this is where you’ll find it. Double-sided tape (used for all sorts of conservation housings) is in the “Tape Tape” drawer.

Apparently our first university archivist/historian was a big fan of lamination. This just one of a couple hundred volumes containing some of our earliest university records and history that were meticulously laminated. I cannot accurately describe how aghast I must have looked while examining these. My coworker showed them to me today for the first […]

MRW I used some compressed air to dust underneath the book presses, which apparently hadn’t been dusted in quite some time

when in my labI much insistour oldest pasteyou don’t ingestfor if you do yur act I see-I must reportto lab safety

Ummm… …okay, that works I guess.

So I made a really big box, and I had to stand it on end when gluing the walls together. And while that was happening I started smashing some of my bone folders together and felt smarter for some unknown reason. Maybe it has something to do with this monolithic box…
It’s tradition!

I’ve been working on condition reports all week, and this certain song is stuck in my head…because condition rhymes with tradition.

Yesterday, I got to pretend to be an objects conservator, while repairing our beloved plastic Japanese squid clock with conservation adhesive called Butvar B-76. I knocked the clock off the wall weeks ago, and it shattered into several pieces. Because of the complexity of the breaks, I had to be a human clamp and manually […]