Tag: gif

MRW I used some compressed air to dust underneath the book presses, which apparently hadn’t been dusted in quite some time
It’s tradition!

I’ve been working on condition reports all week, and this certain song is stuck in my head…because condition rhymes with tradition.

So, our old HEPA filter vacuum broke yesterday, right in the middle of a mold-remediation project I was working on! BUT! I just found out today that the library is going to buy us a new Nilfisk vacuum for the conservation lab! Nilfisk vacuums are like the Rolls Royces of conservation vacuuming. I’m 100% sincere […]
The too-big thing is only too-big by just over a quarter of an inch, too. Uuuuuuuuuugh! I could have fit all 20 photos in the same box if it weren’t for that one.
My reaction when our special collections and archives department FINALLY announced they are switching over from white cotton gloves (about which I have MANY feels) to nitrile gloves: So now when you go into our reading room to look at photographs or fragile things, they’re going to give you some nice blue gloves, with which […]
Printer’s error
During a digitization project, I noticed this intriguing printer’s error in a 18th century herbal. Apparently, the paper had a fold in it when it went through the press, which accounts for the wide blank line, and the crookedness of the text. On the opposite side, it was clear that they unfolded the paper before […]
Animated book boxes, aka four-flap wrappers aka tuxedo boxes aka preservation enclosures.