Book cloth

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Definition: en:A generic term for the woven fabrics used in covering books. They are usually, but by no means always, woven cotton fabrics, which may be bleached or mercerized, dyed, filled with pigment colors, gelatinized, starched, coated or impregnated, calendered, and embossed (grained).

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deLeinenCitation needed!preferred
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deBuchbinderleinenCitation needed!preferred
enBook cloth1EtheringtonRoberts, Don., et al. Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books : a Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Library of Congress : For Sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1982.preferredA generic term for the woven fabrics used in covering books. They are usually, but by no means always, woven cotton fabrics, which may be bleached or mercerized, dyed, filled with pigment colors, gelatinized, starched, coated or impregnated, calendered, and embossed (grained).
estela de encuadernaciónCitation needed!preferred
estela de encuadernarCitation needed!alternate
ittela da legatoriaCitation needed!preferred
svKlotCitation needed!preferred
svLangweCitation needed!alternate



  1. ^  Roberts, Don., et al. Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books : a Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Library of Congress : For Sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1982.