Case-making machine

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Definition: en:A hand- or machine-fed machine used to assemble the covering material, boards, and inlays of case-bound edition books. Case-making machines are of two general types: sheet fed, either by hand or machine, and roll fed, by machine. Roll fed machines require two additional steps in their operation as compared with sheet-fed machines, namely, corner cutting and separation of the individual cases. The covering material, however, does not have to be pre-cut. Sheet fed machines receive the covering material in the correct size for the individual case with the corners already cut.

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encase-making machine1EtheringtonRoberts, Don., et al. Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books : a Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Library of Congress : For Sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1982.preferredA hand- or machine-fed machine used to assemble the covering material, boards, and inlays of case-bound edition books. Case-making machines are of two general types: sheet fed, either by hand or machine, and roll fed, by machine. Roll fed machines require two additional steps in their operation as compared with sheet-fed machines, namely, corner cutting and separation of the individual cases. The covering material, however, does not have to be pre-cut. Sheet fed machines receive the covering material in the correct size for the individual case with the corners already cut.
