
From Multilingual Bookbinding Dictionary
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back, backbone

Related terms

Spine lining, Spine stiffener, Spine fold, Spine marking, backstrip


Translations for "spine"

Glossary on paper restoration. Goethe-Institut Hongkong, 2013. Web.</ref>
  • Croatian: hrbat knjige<ref name="Pub">Móra, Imre. Publisher's Practical Dictionary in 20 Languages =: Dictionnaire Pratique De L'édition En 20 Langues = Wörterbuch Des Verlagswesens in 20 Sprachen. München: Saur, 1984. Print.</ref>

<ref name="Pub" /><ref name="Hertzberger">Hertzberger, Menno. Dictionnaire À L'usage De La Librairie Ancienne: Pour Les Langues: Française, Anglaise, Allemande, Suédoise, Danoise, Italienne, Espagnole, Hollandaise. Paris: Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne, 1956. Print.</ref>, bogryg<ref name="Pub" />

, rug<ref name="Pub" /><ref name="Hertzberger" />

  • Finnish: selkä<ref name="Wiki" /><ref name="Pub" />

<ref name="Pub" /> <ref name="Hertzberger" />

{{Concept translation|language=de|label=Rücken]] <ref name="Pub" /><ref name="Goethe" /><ref name="Hertzberger" />, [[Buchrücken|status=preferred|source=Hertzberger}}

  • Hungarian: gerinc<ref name="Pub" />
  • Icelandic: kjölur<ref name="Wiki" />

<ref name="Pub" /><ref name="Hertzberger" /><ref name="Dizionario">Macchi, Federico, Livio Macchi, Milena Alessi, Michel Wittock, and Piccarda Quilici. Dizionario Illustrato Della Legatura. Milano: S. Bonnard, 2002. Print.</ref>, costola, costa<ref name="Vocabulaire codicologique"> Muzerelle, Denis. Vocabulaire codicologique: répertoire méthodique des termes français relatifs aux manuscrits, avec leurs équivalents en anglais, italien, espagnol. n.p, n.d. Web.</ref>

  • Korean: [[책등|source=Goethe}}
  • Latin: (translation needed)
  • Latvian: mugura<ref name="Wiki" />
  • Norwegian: rygg<ref name="Wiki" /><ref name="Pub" />, bokrygg<ref name="Pub" />
  • Portuguese: dorso<ref name="Wiki" />, lombada<ref name="Pub" />
  • Slovene: hrbet<ref name="Wiki" />
  • Spanish: lomo<ref name="Pub" /><ref name="Hertzberger" />
  • Swedish: rygg<ref name="Pub" /><ref name="Hertzberger" />, bokrygg<ref name="Pub" />
