Wire sewing

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Definition: en:A 19th century method of "sewing" the sections of a book through the folds and onto tapes, webbings, or muslin, by means of wire staples.

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Language code"Language code" is a predefined property that represents a BCP47 formatted language code and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.Translated termSourceCitation textThis property is a special property in this wiki.StatusSkos:scopeNote
dametalhaeftning1NordNielsen, Torben. Vocabularium bibliothecarii nordicum. København, Bibliotekscentralen, 1968.preferred
enWire stitchingCitation needed!alternate
enWire sewing2EtheringtonRoberts, Don., et al. Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books : a Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Library of Congress : For Sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1982.preferredA 19th century method of "sewing" the sections of a book through the folds and onto tapes, webbings, or muslin, by means of wire staples.
fihakasnidonta1NordNielsen, Torben. Vocabularium bibliothecarii nordicum. København, Bibliotekscentralen, 1968.preferred
nbblokkstifting1NordNielsen, Torben. Vocabularium bibliothecarii nordicum. København, Bibliotekscentralen, 1968.preferred
svklammerhäftning1NordNielsen, Torben. Vocabularium bibliothecarii nordicum. København, Bibliotekscentralen, 1968.
svklamring1NordNielsen, Torben. Vocabularium bibliothecarii nordicum. København, Bibliotekscentralen, 1968.preferred



  1. a b c d e  Nielsen, Torben. Vocabularium bibliothecarii nordicum. København, Bibliotekscentralen, 1968.
  2. ^  Roberts, Don., et al. Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books : a Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Library of Congress : For Sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1982.