Edit a term: Alligator leather

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Context information, quotes, history notes, flavor text, etc.

Scheme information and relationships
Relations of this concept

Relationships of this concept with others

Language:  set either 
Semantic Relationship type:  set either 
Relationship originates from this scheme:


Language code (2-letter ISO 639 code):
Translation text:
Is this a preferred or alternate translation?
Sense/definition of translation (please include if this is not a preferred translation):
Notes about this translation:
Source or citation reference for this translation (if from a book/website):

Language code (2-letter ISO 639 code):
Translation text:
Is this a preferred or alternate translation?
Sense/definition of translation (please include if this is not a preferred translation):
Notes about this translation:
Source or citation reference for this translation (if from a book/website):

Free text:
