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Related terms
This is a list of other dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri, and vocabulary lists of terms related to bookbinding, libraries, archives, and conservation. When applicable, it will be indicated if the resource provides translations in multiple languages. Otherwise, unless indicated, all sources are in English. Several of these sources have provided the translations found within the dictionary. Where possible, links to these resources will be provided, but in the case of books that haven't been digitized, you may be able to find them in a local library by searching for them in OCLC Worldcat.
- Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books (Online edition)
- ABC for Book Collectors by John Carter. Available as a PDF via ILAB's website.
- Greenfield, Jane. ABC of bookbinding : a unique glossary with over 700 illustrations for collectors & librarians. New Castle, DE : Oak Knoll Press ; New York, NY : Lyons Press, 1998. OCLC Number: 37935225.
- Ligatus Language of Bindings thesaurus: "The Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB) is a thesaurus of bookbinding terms for book structures dating from the ninth to the nineteenth century."
- Artists' Book Thesaurus: "The Artists' Books Thesaurus is a vocabulary for indexing artists' books and their features, maintained by the ARLIS/NA Book Art Special Interest Group (SIG)."
- The Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus
- Lexique de la reliure by L'écrin des écrits.
- Le Blog du Bibliophile, des Bibliophiles, de la Bibliophilie et des Livres Anciens
- Michael Trenkle, Fachbegriffe im Antiquariat available as a PDF via ILAB's website. In German.
- Maxwell, Robert L. Glossary of Common Latin Terms Found in Imprints of Early Printed Books. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College & Research Libraries. 2011. Web.
English and Dutch
- Kneep en Binding (Languages: Dutch, English, French, and German) Kneep en binding is a terminology for the description of constructions of old bookbindings. Kneep en Binding was published in 1992 by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek for the benefit of book historians, codicologists, and book conservators. It offers a systematically ordered selection of terms to aid the study and description of most types of handmade bookbindings from Western Europe up to 1830."
English and French
- French-English dictionary written by Les Amis de la Reliure d'Art du Canada
- Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild'd Translation of Book Arts Terms, from English to French, by Shelagh Smith and Hélène Francoeur.
- International League of Antiquarian Booksellers: Glossary in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish.
- Kneep en Binding (Languages: Dutch, English, French, and German) Kneep en binding is a terminology for the description of constructions of old bookbindings. Kneep en Binding was published in 1992 by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek for the benefit of book historians, codicologists, and book conservators. It offers a systematically ordered selection of terms to aid the study and description of most types of handmade bookbindings from Western Europe up to 1830."
- French encyclopedia of bookbinding terms, by Librairie Minet Freres. Also available in English.
English and German
- International League of Antiquarian Booksellers: Glossary in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish.
- Kneep en Binding (Languages: Dutch, English, French, and German) Kneep en binding is a terminology for the description of constructions of old bookbindings. Kneep en Binding was published in 1992 by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek for the benefit of book historians, codicologists, and book conservators. It offers a systematically ordered selection of terms to aid the study and description of most types of handmade bookbindings from Western Europe up to 1830."
- The Anagnostakis Pocket Guide to Austrian German and Swiss Antiquarian Bookdealers Terminology. Oldham: Incline Press, 2012. Print.
English and Italian
- Vocabulaire codicologique: répertoire méthodique des termes français relatifs aux manuscrits, avec leurs équivalents en anglais, italien, espagnol, par Denis Muzerelle. In English, Italian, and Spanish.
English and Spanish
- International League of Antiquarian Booksellers: Glossary in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish.
- Vocabulaire codicologique: répertoire méthodique des termes français relatifs aux manuscrits, avec leurs équivalents en anglais, italien, espagnol, par Denis Muzerelle. In English, Italian, and Spanish.
More than three languages
- Kneep en Binding (Languages: Dutch, English, French, and German) Kneep en binding is a terminology for the description of constructions of old bookbindings. Kneep en Binding was published in 1992 by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek for the benefit of book historians, codicologists, and book conservators. It offers a systematically ordered selection of terms to aid the study and description of most types of handmade bookbindings from Western Europe up to 1830."
- Vocabulaire codicologique: répertoire méthodique des termes français relatifs aux manuscrits, avec leurs équivalents en anglais, italien, espagnol, par Denis Muzerelle. In English, Italian, and Spanish.
- Crespo Nogueira, Carmen, ed. ICA Handbooks Series : Glossary of Basic Archival and Library Conservation Terms : English with Equivalents in Spanish, German, Italian, French and Russian. Munchen, DEU: K. G. Saur, 2010. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 23 July 2015.
- Hertzberger, Menno. Dictionnaire à l'usage de la librairie ancienne pour les langues: française, anglaise, allemande, suédoise, danoise, italienne, espagnole, hollandaise / Dictionary for the antiquarian booktrade in French, English, German, Swedish, Danish, Italian, Spanish and Dutch. Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne, 1956
- Kuhn, Hilde. Wörterbuch Der Handbuchbinderei Und Der Restaurierung: Von Einbänden, Papyri, Handschriften, Graphiken, Autographen, Urkunden Und Globen in Deutscher, Englischer, Französischer Und Italienischer Sprache. Stuttgart: Hettler, 1969. Print.
- Macchi, Federico, Livio Macchi, Milena Alessi, Michel Wittock, and Piccarda Quilici. Dizionario Illustrato Della Legatura. Milano: S. Bonnard, 2002. Print.
- Móra, Imre. Publisher's Practical Dictionary in 20 Languages =: Dictionnaire Pratique De L'édition En 20 Langues = Wörterbuch Des Verlagswesens in 20 Sprachen. München: Saur, 1984. Print.
- Moth, Alex. Technical terms used in bibliographies and by the book and printing trade. Longwood Press, 1977.
- Nielsen, Torben. Vocabularium bibliothecarii nordicum. København, Bibliotekscentralen, 1968. OCLC number: 576778. In English, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish.
- Orne, Jerrold. The Languages of the Foreign Book Trade. American Library Association, 1962. In Czech --Dano-Norwegian --Dutch --French --German-Italian --Polish --Portuguese --Russian --Spanish --Swedish.
- Samshuijzen, Jelle. Antiquarisch Woordenboek in vier talen = Antiquarian Dictionary in four languages. Uitgeverij Rockingstone, 1998. Web.
- Sander, Gabriele, and Eva Tang-Michael. Glossary on Paper Conservation: English-german-chinese-korean = Glossar Papierrestaurierung : Englisch-Deutsch-Chinesisch-Koreanisch = Ying-De-Han-Han Zhi Zhang Xiu Fu Ci Hui Biao = Chiryu Pojon Ch'ŏri Yongŏ Sajŏn : Yŏngŏ-Togirŏ-Chunggugŏ-Han'gugŏ. Hong Kong: Goethe-Institut Hong Kong, 2013. Web.
- Thompson, Anthony. Vocabularium Bibliothecarii. Paris: UNESCO, 1962. Print. In English, French, German, Spanish, Russian.
- Conservación preventiva para todos. Una guía ilustrada Por Clara López Ruiz y Miguel Cuba Taboada / "Preventative conservation for all, an illustrated guide"(Languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish)
- Lexicon on the AIC wiki. In Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
- Nogueira, Carmen Crespo, ed. Glossary of Basic Archival and Library Conservation Terms: English with Equivalents In Spanish, German, Italian, French, and Russian. Compiled by the Committee on Conservation and Restoration, International Council on Archives. KG Saur: Munich, New York, London, Paris, 1988.
- Visual Glossary of Conservation Terms by the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material.
- The Archives Damage Atlas is an assessment tool for identifying the kinds of damage that afflict archival materials. It is available as a richly-illustrated PDF in both English and Dutch.
- Sander, Gabriele, and Eva Tang-Michael. Glossary on Paper Conservation: English-german-chinese-korean = Glossar Papierrestaurierung : Englisch-Deutsch-Chinesisch-Koreanisch = Ying-De-Han-Han Zhi Zhang Xiu Fu Ci Hui Biao = Chiryu Pojon Ch'ŏri Yongŏ Sajŏn : Yŏngŏ-Togirŏ-Chunggugŏ-Han'gugŏ. Hong Kong: Goethe-Institut Hong Kong, 2013. Web.
- The Archives Damage Atlas is an assessment tool for identifying the kinds of damage that afflict archival materials. It is available as a richly-illustrated PDF in both English and Dutch.
- A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology, published by the Society for American Archivists
- Pigments Through the Ages, produced by the Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA). Contains pigment names in English, French, German, and Italian.