Analysis Portfolio

Signed & Fine Bindings in ASU Library’s Circulating Collection

Beginning in 2019, I began a project to identify and document trade bindings (ca. 18th-19th century), bindings with some mark of the binder (tickets, signatures, or stamps), and other bindings of significant aesthetic interest that are currently in the circulating collection of ASU Library. To accomplish this I spent many hours walking the stacks of our various locations – the most efficient way to locate these bindings was through visual inspection; our catalog records often did not include any documentation of the unique nature of these volumes. As I identified bindings of interest, I added their bibliographic information and physical description (including the binder’s name if known) to a spreadsheet. I also took photographs of the bindings and their significant features, including the binder’s signature/ticket/stamp.

Below is a list of all of the bindings I have thus far identified, as well as a photograph gallery of some selected bindings. This project is still ongoing, and I continue to update my spreadsheet with each new binding that meets my criteria for inclusion in this project.