This parchment leaf from a Medieval choir book was mounted to somebody’s vision board before it was framed, many years ago. I’ve done a lot of backing removals over the years, but this one is probably the most inspirational of them all!

This parchment leaf from a Medieval choir book was mounted to somebody’s vision board before it was framed, many years ago. I’ve done a lot of backing removals over the years, but this one is probably the most inspirational of them all!
Making models of various board attachment styles. These are models of a Medieval style binding with packed sewing on double cord supports laced into poplar wood boards, and an Ethiopian style binding with cedar wood boards.
This book has translucent plastic plates of medieval stained glass windows! What a cool feature…I’ve never seen anything like it! Many of the plates have come loose, however, so we’ll tip them back in before the book is returned to the library shelves.
Detail from “The Annunciation” by Girolamo Da Santa Croce, c 1540-1550 An oil on wood panel painting in the collection of the Columbia Museum of Art, in Columbia, South Carolina. Photo by conservethis
Virgin Annunciate, 14th Century Polychrome Wood Sculpture. An Italian sculpture in the collection of the Columbia Museum of Art, in Columbia, South Carolina. Part of a pair, along with Archangel Gabriel. Photo by conservethis.
How to Handle Books, 1345 “For it behoves us to guard a book much more carefully than a boot.” See also: