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I just think this binding is the cutest little thing, what with its combination of floral paste paper and marbled paper. I also miiiiiight have said, “Oh! aren’t you the cutest little thing! Yes you are!” aloud when I was in our special collections reading room.

ConserveThis! Archive Uncategorized

More paste paper found on one of our library books. Red, black, and gold paint that’s still shiny!

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German paste-paper appreciation post. All of these books were found in my library’s circulating stacks, by the way. I just went down the rows and pulled out the ones that caught my eye, photographed them, and released them back into the wild! 🙂

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We made pastepaper in the conservation lab today!  Pastepaper is an economical (and fun!) way to make decorated paper for use as book covering material or endsheets. You can also use pastepaper to make your own stuck-on endbands! It is a technique that has been around for quite a long while. Our library has examples […]