ConserveThis! Archive Uncategorized

Currently on my bench is this book about a 1875 voyage to the Arctic. This particular passage reminded me of when I lived in Chicago, and simultaneously made me glad I now live in a MUCH warmer place! Also I absolutely love how the title looks like it has little icicles dripping down from the […]

ConserveThis! Archive Uncategorized

This book just arrived in the lab with this sad (yet hilarious) note attached. The note reads “Sad Bergey’s :(”, and the book is “Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology”. It is VERY sad indeed, as not only is the binding failing but students have marked it up with highlighting and pencil underlining almost to the point of […]

ConserveThis! Archive Uncategorized

The Paper Project

The Paper Project This project chronicles handmade and mould made paper images produced by a scanning-laser confocal microscope. This type of microscopy is unsurpassed for producing sharp three-dimensional images and allows us to see not just surface features, but often all the way through the sheet. The microscope scans successively deeper layers of a specimen […]