Stop. Leaving. Sticky notes. In. Library. Books!
Tag: found in a book
Somebody memorialized their Eureka moment on the title page of this library book.
Today I’m working on a treatment that is basically the rare book equivalent of cleaning under the couch cushions. This 2-volume herbal was used by a previous owner as a plant press, and many leaves, flowers and other assorted plant parts were discovered in-between its pages by our special collections librarian. The plants had already […]
Found a map of Texas stuck inside an early 19th cen book of German poetry. I have no idea what book the map belongs to, so now it goes in my pile of “things found in books that weren’t supposed to be in that book”. Cc stufffoundinbooks
Found this tiny doodle of this book’s cover inside of the book, used as a bookmark.
Someone folded up their library check-out receipt into a paper crane, and left it in the back of this book.
Did anyone lose their vacation photos? I found these stuck in the back of a book I was working on. No really, they were actually stuck to the back pastedown.
All these leaves and flowers were found pressed between the pages of one of our herbals, from Special Collections.
Pressed leaves found in-between the pages of a herbal.
I’m currently working on repairing this Victorian book of floral symbolism, and realized that a couple of the plates were loose and not in the right place. Unfortunately there was no paginated “List of Illustrations”, and the titles on the plates didn’t match up with the flowers listed in the table of contents. So what […]